4 01 2008

AKA  The Debacle That Was The Robin Hood Season Finale

Ok I know that it is really a show for kids.  And the important thing is the myth and legend stuff not the love triangle soap opera stuff.  BUT.  Why, BBC, did you kill off Marion?  What was point of sending the gang over to the Holy Land?  What did it achieve exactly??  ARGH so many questions.

This is what I would have written had I been in charge:

  • Marion offers herself to Guy if he kills the sheriff (who, incidentally, doesn’t need to be in Nottingham anymore apparently – so much for all that bruhahah when he went missing for a few hours the other week).  Instead of misplacing his balls, he actually goes through with it (which seems make much more sense, character-wise).
  • Marion then finds out that Robin is not dead but has already made her promise.  This can go two ways (both better that what actually happened): a) she stays with Guy and then we have a pissed-off Robin and a torn Marion and a happy Guy; or b) she reneigned on her promise to Guy (after he has killed the Sheriff) so we have a powerfull but super-pissed Guy, and a happy if a little in the dog-house Robin and Marion.
  • The King would have been a bit more effectual.
  • Carter would have joined the gang instead of being killed for no reason.

I do realise that a lot of people enjoy Robin for Keith Allen’s sheriff but I have started to get a but tired of the slashiness (it skeeves me out because, well, Keith Allen skeeves me out) and his one-liners are just a bit too hammy and not actually that funny anymore.

The series is returning for a third season but I really do not see how it will me.  Sure, we will have much guilt-ridden angst from Guy and vengeance-fuelled hatred from Robin but with no Marion, Djaq or Will, the remaining characters are going to have to really go some to fill those shoes.